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How to create engaging and professional LinkedIn profiles

As social media has become increasingly important to professional networking, LinkedIn has firmly established itself as the go-to platform for connecting with potential clients, other business owners, and industry leaders as well as finding job opportunities. Despite its importance, many professionals fail to invest the time and effort needed to create a strong LinkedIn profile that represents them in a professional and engaging manner. In this article, I’ll explore the essential elements of creating an impactful LinkedIn profile and provide tips and strategies to help you optimise your presence on this important platform.

Understanding the importance of strong LinkedIn profiles

Before I get into the specifics of creating powerful LinkedIn profiles, it’s important to recognise why this platform matters in the first place. LinkedIn provides a unique opportunity to connect with influencers and industry leaders within your specific field. By following or connecting with these individuals, you open the door to networking and mentorship opportunities that can help you advance your career or business.

Networking opportunities

One of the key benefits of LinkedIn is the ability to connect with like-minded individuals within your industry. By joining LinkedIn groups and contributing your own insights and ideas, you can expand your personal and professional network, giving you access to opportunities you wouldn’t have otherwise.
For example, let’s say you’re an accountant looking to connect with others in your field. You can join groups specifically for accountants and other finance professionals, such as The Accounting Community. By participating in these groups and sharing your own expertise, you can connect with others who share your interests and gain valuable insights into the latest trends and best practices in your industry.

Job search benefits

LinkedIn is also a valuable resource for job seekers. With thousands of companies actively recruiting on the site, it’s a great place to showcase your skills and experience and connect with potential employers.
However, it’s important to note that simply having a LinkedIn profile isn’t enough to land your dream job. You need to make sure your profile is optimized for search and showcases your unique skills and experience. This means including relevant keywords in your profile summary and experience sections, highlighting your most impressive accomplishments, and including recommendations from former colleagues or clients.

Personal branding

Finally, strong LinkedIn profiles serve as a powerful representation of personal brands. By creating a professional and cohesive presence on the platform, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and elevate your professional reputation.
One way to enhance your personal brand on LinkedIn is to share your own content. This can include blog posts, articles, carousels, videos or even just your own thoughts on industry news and trends. By sharing valuable insights and demonstrating your expertise, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your field and attract new followers and connections.
Another way to build your personal brand on LinkedIn is to engage with others in your network. This can include commenting on others’ posts, sharing their content, or even just sending a personalized message to say hello. By actively engaging with others on the platform, you can build stronger relationships and establish yourself as a valuable member of your professional community.

Crafting a compelling headline

Your headline is the first thing that potential connections, clients or recruiters will see when they come across Linkedin profiles. As such, it’s critical that you craft a headline that accurately represents who you are and what you have to offer.

Highlight Your expertise

Your headline should communicate your area of expertise and what you can offer to prospective clients or employers. Consider using industry-specific keywords to help your profile show up in relevant search results.
For example, if you’re an accountant working specifically with contractors, your headline could be “Specialist accountant for contractors and freelancers with 10+ experience”. This headline clearly communicates your area of expertise and the number of years of experience you have in the field.

Use keywords strategically

Speaking of keywords, make sure to use them throughout your profile wherever relevant. This will help optimize your profile for search engines and make it more discoverable to others.
When using keywords, use them in a natural way that doesn’t feel forced. For example, if you’re a financial adviser, you could use the keyword “financial advice” in your headline, summary, and experience sections.

Showcase your achievements

Another way to make your headline stand out is by showcasing your achievements. This could be a major project you completed, an award you received, or a significant milestone you reached in your career.
For example, if you’re a sales professional who exceeded your sales quota by 150% last year, your headline could be “Award-Winning Sales Executive Who Exceeded Quota by 150% in 2022”. This headline not only communicates your area of expertise but also highlights your achievement.

Keep it concise

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, keep your headline concise, yet impactful. Your headline should be short and sweet, but powerful enough to convey who you are and what you bring to the table. Most users are on mobile phones when accessing LinkedIn which means that only the first 7-9 words of your headline are displayed when you make comments on the platform.

Remember, your headline is just the beginning of your profile. Use it to grab the attention of potential connections or employers and entice them to learn more about you and your skills.

Create a consistent visual identity

Adding an attractive Linkedin banner and profile video that calls out to potential clients or employers to explain the benefits you can bring. If you are a business owner, use your brand colours and fonts for a recognisable visual identity.

Writing an impactful About section

The About section on LinkedIn profiles is the perfect place to expand upon your headline and communicate your personal brand in greater detail. It’s one of the first things that potential employers or clients will see when they visit your profile, so it’s important to make a great impression. Here are some key elements to keep in mind when crafting an impactful summary.

Tell your story

One of the most important things you can do in your LinkedIn About is to tell your story. This means giving potential clients, connections, or employers a deeper sense of who you are and what drives you professionally. Consider incorporating personal anecdotes that help convey your passion and expertise. However, be careful not to make your summary just about you. Your reader needs to feel that you understand their needs and can help them deliver on their goals, so be sure to include the clear benefits of working with you. For example, if you are a marketing professional, you could include how exactly you can help them with finding more clients as well as talk about how you got interested in marketing and what you love about it. This will help make you more relatable and memorable to those who read your profile.

Showcase your accomplishments

Another key element of a great LinkedIn About section is showcasing your accomplishments. One of the best ways to establish yourself as an expert in your field is to highlight your accomplishments and successes. This could include awards you’ve won, projects you’ve completed, or successful campaigns you’ve run. Consider including metrics or data that can help quantify your impact in previous roles. For example, if you increased sales for a company, you could include the percentage by which you increased sales. This will help demonstrate your value to potential employers or connections.

Highlight your skills

In addition to showcasing your accomplishments, it’s important to highlight your skills in your LinkedIn About section. This could include both hard skills, such as proficiency in a particular software tool, and soft skills, such as communication or leadership. Consider including a bulleted list of your top skills or incorporating them into your personal story. This will help potential employers or clients understand what benefits you bring.

Include a Call-to-Action

Finally, don’t forget to include a call-to-action in your About section. This could be as simple as encouraging potential connections to reach out to you directly or pointing them towards your personal website or blog. If you are actively seeking employment, you could include a statement about your availability and what types of opportunities you are looking for. This will help make it clear what you want and how others can help you achieve your goals.
By incorporating these key elements into your LinkedIn summary, you can create a profile that stands out and helps you achieve your professional goals.

Optimising your Experience section

Your experience section is one of the most important parts of your LinkedIn profile as it provides potential employers and clients with insight into your past roles and accomplishments. A well-crafted experience section can make all the difference in landing your dream job or connecting with the right people in your industry.

List relevant positions

When listing your previous roles, it’s important to consider which positions are most relevant to your current field or industry. This will help demonstrate your expertise and experience in the areas that matter most to potential clients or employers. If you have experience in multiple fields, consider creating separate sections for each to avoid confusion and make it easier for readers to find the information they need.
For example, if you’re a marketing professional with experience in both social media and email marketing, you may want to create separate sections for each to showcase your specific skills and accomplishments in each area.

Quantify your achievements

One of the best ways to demonstrate your value in previous roles is by providing specific examples of your achievements and impact. Whether it’s boosting company sales, increasing website traffic, or streamlining a process, quantifiable data can help showcase your skills and accomplishments in a tangible way.
For example, instead of simply stating that you “increased sales,” you could say that you “increased sales by 20% within the first quarter of the fiscal year by implementing a new marketing strategy.” This not only demonstrates your impact but also shows potential employers or connections how you achieved the results.

Use action-oriented language

When describing your experience, it’s important to use action-oriented language that showcases your skills and abilities. Strong verbs and an active voice can help bring your professional expertise to life in a more impactful way.
For example, instead of saying “responsible for managing a team,” you could say “led a team of 10 employees and successfully increased productivity by 25%.” This not only highlights your leadership skills but also demonstrates your ability to drive results.

Get recommendations

The recommendations feature is a powerful way to gain social proof of the benefits of working with your business or employing you. On Linkedin profiles the recommendations can only be added by other people so they are verified and therefore well trusted by others on the platform.

By following these tips, you can create LinkedIn profiles, both personal and company, that not only represent you or your company in a professional and engaging manner but also helps you connect with other professionals and advance your business or career.
Don’t underestimate the power of a strong LinkedIn presence – invest the time and effort to make sure your profile showcases who you are and what you have to offer in the best possible light.

Get help with LinkedIn profiles

Whether you’re looking for a personal profile or a company one, creating a Linkedin presence that attracts the right people into your network is a great investment. For support, email me on and connect with me on LinkedIn.

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